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Project Title: Development of a Standard Verbal Autopsy Manager Tool to improve Death and Cause of Death Data Quality, Data Use and Data Linkages.

Project Description: Death and cause of death (COD) information are useful for policy and planning, resource allocation, assessment of health situation and trends, tracking health sector progress and performance, death registration and updating administrative registers. It is therefore important that all countries have the capacity to routinely generate and use good quality death and COD information. However, most countries in the World Health Organization’s African Region (WHO- AFRO) face challenges to routinely producing death and COD information... Death and cause of death (COD) information are useful for policy and planning, resource allocation, assessment of health situation and trends, tracking health sector progress and performance, death registration and updating administrative registers. It is therefore important that all countries have the capacity to routinely generate and use good quality death and COD information. However, most countries in the World Health Organization’s African Region (WHO- AFRO) face challenges to routinely producing death and COD information (WHO, 2020). These challenges were made clear during the COVID-19 pandemic, where countries in WHO-AFRO have not been able to count all their dead, with, for instance, only 155,248 of an estimated 439,500 COVID-19 deaths reported. This project aims to develop a tool to assist in managing verbal autopsy data. Potential users are the ministry of health (pilot countries are Tanzania and Zambia)

Principal Investigator : Isaac Lyatuu

Department Name :

Time frame: (2024-05-02) - (2025-02-28)

Funding Partners
African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) (Normal)
External Collaborating Partners
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